I know, this isn't a beauty post, per say. I always said that as a freelancer, being busy was amazing. You paid bills that month and if you were extremely busy, you could eat too. I have been extremely busy and you know what? It is not awesome. It is not even borderline great. It is exhausting. It is physically, emotionally and creatively draining. I've been here before also, back when I decided to cut back on this blog to only 3 days a week, but now I curate content for the fan page, pitch ideas to other avenues, run social for myself (two accounts each site), run social for another person, relaunching a business, running a household, housework that is more often than not forgotten, freelance as an artist 25 hours per week, write for others, amongst a million other things. My body was in so much pain when I woke up Sunday, I hid. I hid in my couch. I grabbed an eye mask, covered myself with a throw and slept. I sat outside, on my patio with my husband as he enjoyed a cigar and talked about how quiet it was. We had lunch at 5 guys and came home. The baby spent the day with my family, Easter egg hunting and the church thing but I took a few hours for me. Not to work, not to get my hair done, not to watch TV but to sit and do nothing. The world shut down on Sunday, so no errand runs to Target and no work. I told everyone I worked but I didn't. I woke up and saw my schedule was blank. It was blank. I took advantage of my actual day off that I wanted to do nothing, no birthday parties, no family dinners, no get togethers, no errands, NOTHING. Being so busy you forget to breathe is not a good thing and being so young and feeling like your body may give out is worse. But you know what was great? Having 3 hours of doing absolutely nothing to myself. Just like that, I'm back to me. I may just take a few hours on Sundays just for me from now on.
This "beauty" post is brought to you by my achy back, my swollen feet and the splitting head that is no more ;). Remember to take time for you. I did.
You go girl! I think I got a little relaxation just reading this post! <3